Finn Pratt AO PSM

The Department of Social Services aims to improve the lifetime wellbeing of people and families in Australia. Our ability to do this depends on developing a strong evidence base and working closely with our stakeholders.

The HILDA Survey is a powerful tool for gathering this evidence, capturing a range of important data about life for Australians. The data gives us and the research community an informed overview of the changing complexities of Australian society and enables us to create, innovate and improve policy. It provides a lens through which trends and changes in the Australian community and economy are clearly seen and enables the government to examine the effectiveness of policies and programs over time.

Thanks to the continued contribution of survey respondents, HILDA provides us with a formidable and authoritative information platform, which helps shape the future of social policies affecting the lives of millions of Australians.

Finn Pratt AO PSM
Secretary of the Department of Social Services (DSS)