The study is a source of information to those making economic and social welfare decisions for all Australians

What's new in 2025?

The Living in Australia (HILDA) study is an invaluable resource for following lives of individuals and their households. The information you share helps researchers and key decision makers better understand how Australians navigate their lives and how economic and social changes impact the people of Australia.

This year the Living in Australia (HILDA) study will focus on your health and healthcare visits, sleep and diet along with a general update from you. Cost of living challenges are affecting many Australians in a range of ways including their general health and wellbeing. Through the interview this year, we hope to gain a better understanding of how much these challenges have impacted the lives of Australians.

Bob Breunig, Australian National University

A message from Professor Robert Breunig,

Dear Friends,
Thank you for participating in the HILDA survey. I consider you my friends because your regular participation makes my life better. What more could I ask from my friends?

As a researcher, I rely on the generosity of people like you to provide information about your life in Australia, your families, your relationships, your ups and downs, your work and your opinions. I have used the data you have so generously provided in my work over the last 20 years.

My research has looked at the following:
*The work decisions of families;
*The experience of immigrants;
*Experience of financial difficulty;
*Transitions from not working to working; and
*Financial relationships between adult children and their parents.

I am very fortunate to have friends such as you who help me to do my work by responding every year to the survey and taking care to provide full and accurate information.

You are also friends to Australia. My work, and that of other researchers, affects policy. We find out which policies work and don’t work so the Australian government can target assistance to the things that actually work to help the people who need it. This means getting better use out of everyone’s hard-earned tax dollars and making sure that those who need a helping hand get a hand that actually helps.

All Australians can count you amongst their friends and be grateful for your efforts. I wish you the best and look forward to continuing our friendship.

Robert Breunig
Chair of Tax Policy and Public Finance & Director, Tax and Transfer Policy Institute
Professor of Economics Crawford School of Public Policy Australian National University